Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Under the boardwalk out of the sun, Under the boardwalk we'll be having some fun"

Last week, we went on vacation (finally!). We had gone for a weekend in July, but that was simply not long enough. We normally take vacation in September, once all the kids go back to school and its not so brutally hot out! Of course, we went to Ocean City and it was great as always. I never get tired of Ocean City.

We left on Saturday and stayed until the following Saturday. We had great weather and never got bored. Although, we ended up on the boardwalk at Trimpers every night, we always managed to find different things to do during the day. When we woke up, we hit the beach for a few hours, then headed up to the room for lunch and showers before dinner. 

Christian LOVED the beach. He would dig the sand for hours, making holes and castles. He wasn't really fond of the water, but he dipped his toes in it once or twice. Chris dug holes and filled them with water, making Christian a "beach pool". He also loved feeding the seagulls. He thought that was the funniest thing in the world. The birds aren't shy either - the came right up to us and even landed on our blanket while we were sitting there!

Aunt Nik came down on Monday and left on Wednesday - she had to work! While she was down, we went to Delaware and went to the little shops, we normally go to. We also took Christian to Assateague Island. He loved being out on the piers, overlooking the water and being so close to all the wildlife. We saw lots of wildhorses, but his favorite was the Blue Crab. Chris taunted one with a piece of grass and he almost got it! Christian also saw a lot of fish, that he thought was really cool.

Christian in his "Beach Pool"

I think we have successfully bought stock in Trimper's Rides down on the boardwalk. Christian LOVED all the rides and all the lights. There was so much to see, and I don't think he could absorb it all in one take. His favorite ride was the "Dunebuggies", that he rode ATLEAST 20 times. We went through over 100 tickets throughout the week! He also bee-lined for the playgrounds on the beach whenever they came into sight!

I finally got my Thrasher fries, and shared some of them :) Christian got to pet a Sand Shark, that was caught off the pier by a fisherman, which was pretty cool. All in all, it was a great week, and of course went by too fast! Another Summer gone....

Christian feeding the birds.

Christian dancing on the boardwalk.

Christian met some friends on the beach.

Christian on Assateague Island