Monday, September 13, 2010

Summer lasts a week longer in Reisterstown

Aunt Cindy and Uncle Bill

On Saturday, when we got back from Ocean City, we went to the Reisterstown Festival to see the fireworks and to check out the tail end of the festivities. Christian was most interested in the playground and the "Man" (it is one of those crazy, balloon like figures, that is attached to an air machine. He calls it the man, cause there is on at my Mom's house at the snowball stand). 

Mike (Christian's Buddy) and Erica

He played on the fire engine and got to play with his cousin, Brandon. They get along really well. Brandon was pushing Christian around in his stroller, and they both had a blast.

We had a great time. We got to spend time with our family and enjoy some pretty awesome fireworks!

Brandon pushing Christian in his stroller!

Ash (and Bryden), Tracy, and Brandon