Sunday, September 26, 2010

Welcome Fall :)

It is official - Fall is here!

I love Autumn. It is one of my favorite seasons. It's time for pumpkins, football, and beautiful foilage. The changing of the seasons always made me feel like it was time to start anew. All of the leaves will be changing colors then soon falling off the trees. I love when it starts to get cold and after playing outside, you run into a warm house with a delicious dinner waiting for you. I love Autumn!

Christian is beginning to understand the "change of seasons" and what they mean. He doesn't fully understand what is happening in nature, but he sure does understand the temperature change!

This year we rang in the Fall by going to Fallfest in Westminster, Maryland. It certainly was not fall weather, but hey, the warm weather isn't completely gone.

He loved all the rides and couldn't get enough of most of them. He got his first "face painting" (even though it was on his arm) of a Ladybug. He was so excited to get it. It was so cute. He "dug for treasure" and got a basketball as a prize (his choice!) and played on skateboard type carts. He enjoyed his first "sno-cone" (Root beer flavored) and watched all the dancing companies perform. It was a great (HOT!!!) day and he was completely exhausted afterwards, but didn't nap :)

Next weekend, it's on to the Apple Festival!