Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lazy, Summer Days!!!

The time has come - Summer is winding down, and soon the leaves will be changing colors. Summer flew by this year. I can't believe tomorrow will be the beginning of September. I, only hope, the Winter flies just as quickly :)

During the week, we just kind of hang out and play in the yard or with the boys next door. We swim a lot and blow bubbles. Christian has grown so much this year. It is unbelievable. This Summer he really enjoyed all the things he didn't understand last year. He loved the beach and watching all the waves. He loved eating snowballs this year, and has a love-hate relationship going with Fireworks. He rode the rides at the carnivals and even tried steamed crabs. He became more comfortable with the water, and learned how to shoot water guns. He even learned how to pedal of bike forward (he has backwards down pat, even before he even knew what to do with the pedals.) He discovered so much this year, and I feel like I was re-discovering everything with him. To watch a child discover something for the first time, and get to see their reaction is something I never experienced before I had Christian. I found myself finding things for him to try, just to see his reaction. It is an indescribable feeling.

IHOP with Grandma Luana
Saturday, we are heading to Ocean City for the whole week. THE WHOLE WEEK!!! I am so excited. Chris and I haven't had a vacation in years, and now that we have Christian, it will be an annual event!!!

We went for a walk yesterday and he didn't want to walk!