Tuesday, August 31, 2010

An August Wedding

The last couple weeks have been lazy and busy at the same time. In between lounging at the house and swimming, we have been preparing for my best friend's wedding (great movie, btw!). The wedding was this passed weekend and it was great. There was lots of dancing, laughing, and of course, crying. But all happy tears.

On Friday, we had the dress rehearsal at Yaya's house. We had pizza and two runs throughs of what we had to do. And despite that, we still couldn't get it right! haha. It was great though. Christian loved playing with Jacob, Lexie, Olivia, and Holly! He just LOVES them so much. He was splashing in the pool with Jakie, and even sport some googles! The kids all looked so adorable and everyone else looked beautiful. The night went seamlessly with great music and great food. Ryan and the kids were the first ones on the dance floor! Jakie was getting down, and Christian was jamming out too!!

We had so much fun and so did everyone else. Christian was so proud to wear his tux, and would not stop talking about everything all night long. Mom Mom took him home at about 10pm, but he didn't get to sleep until almost 12am. He was so wind up!