Saturday, July 31, 2010

OoOoOo.... AaAaAhhh.....

As we were settling Christian down for bed, he wanted to see fireworks, so..... Daddy disappeared into the abyss (the basement!), and brought up an armful of fireworks. It was suprisingly easy to get Christian's pajamas on him. He got dress in under 3 minutes, threw his arms over his head, clapped his hands and said "OK, I go outside!"... so off we went :)
Christian preparing :)
Unfortuantely, for our neighbors, there was very little wind Friday evening, and the smoke cloud which arose from our little display, hung in the air and surrounded their houses. Whoops!... (maybe next 4th of July, when they decide to light off their fireworks at 11pm, they'll think twice and say "Maybe there are babies sleeping that I will wake up, and not  go back to sleep...." before lighting that forsaken fuse!)

Since I am the one with the camera all the time,
 I thought I'd prove I was there!