Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Makayla!

On Sunday, we left Ocean City around 9:30 to be back home in time to help our cousin, Makayla, celebrate her 5th birthday!!!

Christian was ready to wish Makayla, Happy Birthday. We rehearsed all the way up the road, and he finally go to tell her. It was a bit jumbled, but hey, he got it out! When we got there, they had a big water slide set-up, that I was personally quite excited about. Christian made a bee-line for their dollhouse and lawn mower, but we finally got him on the slide!

Makayla and Kaitlyn were already on the slide, but even that didn't convince Christian to jump on in. Makayla mastered the slide and Katie was doing pretty good too. We did cake and ice cream before Jen went down the slide. As the storm rolled in, she almost didn't go, but I shouted some words of encouragement and off she went! Makayla was going down head first, and on her belly. Brandon was splashing anyone who stood near the slide :)

Pops was his ultimate target though. Jen got some slides in, too! The slide was great. It had a big slide for the big guys and a little slide for the little guys complete with a climbing wall and shooting cannon. Perfect for Birthday/Summertime fun!

The weather was a bit threatening so, everyone cleaned up rather quickly, and stood outside for a few minutes watching the storm roll passed. We went inside for presents. Makayla got great presents and even Kaitlyn got a little something from Nik.

As the party wrapped up, Makayla gave everyone hugs and kisses, thanking them and even took some pictures of random things/people/objects with the camera. She definately impressed us with her "facebook picture" taking talents. She is growing up so fast and is such a sweet little girl :)

Princess Makayla
Happy Brithday!!!