Saturday, July 24, 2010

Life is better at the Beach!

This passed weekend, we took Christian down to Ocean City. He had been a few times when he was an infant, but this time, he was a older and able to soak more of it in.

He got bored on the way down!
The week before we went, I got books from the library about the Beach and the Ocean. He loved the pictures of the fish and boats - and luckily, we got to see quite a few boats. But no fish. So, we finally got there after sitting in traffic for about an hour total (and no nap for Little Man). And after lugging half of our house up four flights of stairs, we entered our sweltering hot condo. Lucky for us, it didn't take long to cool down. It was blazing hot outside. Our weekend got a bit of a rough start, but it got much better, when everyone got cooled down :)

I asked Christian, "So, now there we are here, what do you want to do?" and he replied.... "Go to K-Mart", and I said "Okay, what else do you want to do?"... and he replied "Go Bounce", so when I realized he still didn't understand we just drove 4 1/2 hours to visit the beach, I asked him... "Do you want to see the Beach?" "No." After describing the beach (maybe a little more descriptive than most), he was super excited.

I packed up the bag, got our suits on, and we headed down to the beach. Once he saw the sand, he was so excited. He couldn't barely contain his excitment. He made his excited face, and started making a noise I never heard before. He had a yellow shovel in his hand, and as soon as his toes hit the sand, he bent down and started digging. I explained to him that we had to walk a short path through the dunes and down to the water before he could really dig, but he didn't listen. Every 4 or 5 steps, he bent down and began digging. I told him I would hold his shovel so he could walk easier (it would have taken an hour to get there, had I not taken it!). He smiled and handed me his shovel. Once we got there, we everything up, and he started digging. He was on a roll. He built a tiny castle, make sand imprints with his Toy Story sand toys, and dig holes with Daddy. I tried to find him sand crabs but to no avail. Some boats passed by along with the Airplanes that carry advertisments, and it was like time stood still. He stopped what he was doing and just stared and pointed. It was so cute. He wasn't much for the water, but he eventually got to the point, where we could sit and play in the sand close enough to the water so the tide would just hit our toes. Some big ones came in and really got us, but he was so enthrawed in Chris' sand pool, that he didn't even care. He laughed when the water splashed his belly.

Later, that night we took him to the Boardwalk and Pier. He rode some rides, but due to all the commotion and being later in the evening, he wasn't much for rides. He rode the merry-go-round with Daddy. They had a child size one, but he wouldn't go without Chris. He tried out the boats, but they were too fast for him. He rode the Fire Engines all the way through! The last ride he got on was the "Airplanes", but he started to cry and I insisted that they stop the ride..... so what if the other kids weren't ready to get off... my baby was crying! Before we left to go home, we took him down to see the Fish displays at the end of the pier. He LOVED the Shark and the Blue Marlin.

Aunt Nik came down on Saturday and he was very excited to see her. We went to the beach and the boardwalk again, but hey it was with Aunt Nik this time. We visited Sea Shell City (my favorite place!) and the Seaside Country store, where Chris picked up his favorite treat, Skipjacks Peanuts.

                              It was a great weekend, and it is always sad leaving the beach :(

We will be back in September, so we will have plenty more chances to bum it on the beach... Thank you Lord!