Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Through the Eyes of a Child

Last night, we introduced Play-Doh to Christian. He had played with it before at his babysitter's, but this is the first time we brought it out at home. Aunt Nik took Christian to Wal-Mart and let him pick out the toys and colors that he wanted. He got a great variety of colors, and some pretty cool toys.

I'm not sure who had more fun... Us or Christian! After, Daddy and Christian were done in the bathtub, I had it all ready and set up for him to start playing. When he walked out into the living room and saw everything sitting there, he gasped and his little lips went into a "O" shape and he said "OoOooo..", it was so cute. He makes that face everytime he sees something that excites him.

Being the OCD person that I am, I was making sure all the colors didn't get mixed. YEAH RIGHT JODI!!!  Ironically enough, I am the one who mixed the first batch of colors! Figures right?

Christian had a blast cutting the Play-Doh with his plastic scissors and destroying the things that I made :)  Chris made turtles and dice, and I made a "Rasta Man".

It was alot of fun, and Christian did really well with it. It didn't end up in my hair, his hair or the carpet; the dogs didn't get it thrown at them either! He didn't even eat it! But, I will just say... It tastes the same as it did when I was a child.

When everything was cleaned up, and Christian attempted to do a tripod, he snuggled up with Chris for bedtime stories.