Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thomas the Tank!!!


On Friday, Christian and I went to the B&O Railroad to "Spend a Day with Thomas". My good friend, Jessica and her son, Skyler, invited us along. Thanks Jess!! It was a great day! The sun was shining, and the temperture was just right.

We got there at about 2:00pm and went into the Museum. Our departure time was not until 4:00pm so we nosied in the Museum looking at all the exhibits. We heard the call for the 2:30pm train ride so we decided to hop onto that train so we could do some of the activities and leave at a decent time to avoid rush hour on 95 and 795. Well... After we got in line, we noticed they were looking at the tickets, so we held our breath and hoped we wouldn't be caught.... and we weren't! (There was another scary moment, but luckily the gentlemen looking at the tickets loved the camera and didn't pay much attention) So, we hopped on the 2:30 train and off we went. It was not exactly what we expected, but the boys seemed to enjoy the train ride. Along with 3 or so Police Officers on dirt bikes, riding along both sides of the train. Perhaps, Train Pirates hide on Pratt Street?!

After the Train ride, we headed over to the activity area. Skyler got a cool tattoo and a Thomas face painting. Christian just bounced in the moon bounces. Of course, once we were done that, we headed to the gift shop. They both got something and all was well.

Christian rode his first "carnival" ride, all by himself and he LOVED it!! I was terrified, silently praying he wouldn't jump out or stand up. They both rode twice, and they did great. Skyler is a seasoned rider, Christian was a beginner and boy did my heart drop the minute that train started hahaha!!!

It was a great day, and we all had a blast. I'm so glad Jessica invited us along, and hopefully, it will become an annual event... and hopefully, one of us will win free tickets every year!!!

By the end of the day, the boys were wore out and fell fast asleep while us Mommies fought Rush Hour :)