Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Little Sponge

Well - the time has arrived... Christian is at that age that anything and everything that he hears is CLEARLY repeated. You can clearly understand every word that comes out of his mouth. The best part? He actually knows what he is saying and appropriately uses words, phrases, and questions. Not only is this exciting, it is also very scary. At home, we have no worries, but when we go out? That's another story. By day, I am an office manager... by night? A language officer ready to ward off nasty, violent, and inappropriate words that may be lurking out in public... A tough job.

But, on a more innocent note, Christian is constantly displaying his amazing vocabulary and humor! He has a wonderful sense of humor... For example, Tuesday morning as we were leaving for the day,  I grabbed a banana and a plate. He cried out for the banana, in which I explained to him, that once we got in the car, he could have it. Once I got him buckled in his car seat, I peeled the banana and broke it in 1/3. I put the smallest piece in his place (because I knew where it would end up), and I said "Here you go, as promised!", he looked at the tiny piece of banana, then looked at me and said "Really Jo?".... I was speechless. Absolutely, speechless. All I could do was laugh... There was nothing I could say or do in rebuttal. He left me speechless!