Monday, March 15, 2010

Manic Mondays!

Another Monday! Yay!! I hope everyone's weekend was good. We had a busy weekend. Of course it rained all weekend, but hey... it's better than snow.

Christian understood a new emotion this passed week, which was pretty cool. For the first time, he told us he was scared. Halligan was jumping on him and he was trying to get away from him, but Hal kept following him and jumping on him, so he finally looked up at me and said "Scared, mommy". It broke my heart, but it was so cool to see him realize what he was feeling and being able to express it.

We have been working on the sign for bath, and he is getting close. He also learned this week, the answer to "Where does Jesus live?", and points to his heart and says "Heart". It's adorable.

I hope everyone has a great week, and this rain finally goes away!! Come on Spring!