Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hippity... Hoppity...Easter's on its way!!

Ever need a weekend to recover from your weekend?! We had a busy one this week.

Christian went to his first Easter Egg hunt over the weekend!! He loved it! He even had a friend with him, Skyler. He was in the age group "Walking to 3". He was one of the smallest ones there; of course I was terrified he was going to be trampled by all the excited big kids. He did really well!! He picked up every single egg he saw and put it in his basket. He didn't stop to play with them, or explore what was inside. He just moved on from egg to egg. I was so proud! I am not sure who had more fun - him or me!

Afterwards, we went to the "Bounce about" in Cranberry Mall to their 2 year anniversary party. Elmo and Dora were there, along with crafts and face painting. He had so much fun playing with all the kids, and seeing Elmo and Dora. He followed them around the whole time, waving and saying "Hi Dora, Hi Melmo.. Hi Dora, Hi Melmo..." (He can't quite remember Elmo!)

He spent Saturday night with Mom Mom :) Lucky dog! On Sunday, we celebrated our cousin's 19th birthday, and saw most of the family. It was great! So many laughs and stories....Happy Birthday Jessie!!

I can't wait to dye Easter Eggs with him this week - and see how suprised he is when I pull out the "Cars" designs!!

I hope everyone is doing well!! Much love from all of us!