Monday, March 28, 2011

My Little Man is a Big Man!

Christian had his 2 and 1/2 year check up this month. I can't believe he is 2 and 1/2 already.

Trips to Dr. Nancy have never been easy. In fact, they have been down right traumatizing - but this time around.... It was like someone replaced my child!!! He was so coorperative. He walked in smiling and talking to everyone and walked right back to the room when it was his turn. He let Ms. Mary take his weight and height (with some convincing) and was very excited to get his appointment started.

He jumped up on the chair and lifted his shirt. He patted his belly and looked at Dr. Nancy and said "Check my heart...." so she did. Then he pointed to the other "tools" on the wall and said "Check my ears.... Check my nose".... It was so cute. (Before this amazing visits, I would have to hold his head against my chest, just to check his ears while he screamed bloody murder!)

Earlier that morning he went to the OB with me and they took my pressure. He was fasicnated with the cuff, so he told Dr. Nancy "Wrap my arm...." So she did. He was unbelieavably good. He didn't shed a tear. Hopefully this is a look at what future appointments will be!!

His height is in the 65% range and his weight is in the 45% range. He is growing right on target. His next big visit will be with the dentist! Cross your fingers he will be just as cooperative!

Baby #2 is doing great. I start fetal growth scans in April until I deliver so hopefully everything will stay stable. Christian is still hot and cold on the idea, but ready or not!

Hope everyone is doing well - Have a great week!
