Monday, February 28, 2011

Making room for Baby

Over the weekend, Christian slept over at Mom Mom's house so Chris and I could paint the middle room for our New Arrival. When we moved in, we decided not to paint the middle room in case, we had a girl, the second time around. Well, as you now know, we are having a boy! So off to Lowe's, we went.

Flashbacks of hours and hours and hours of painting when we first moved in, flooded my mind. Every room in our house had to be painted and of course, nobody (except my bf Jamie) loves to paint. So, I was the lucky one who got to paint 90% of the house with much needed and appreciated help from Jamie (she stayed with me until 3:30am just to finish the last room!). I was soooo dreading this task. We decided to get the paint with the primer in it so we would only have to do one coat, and shockingly enough, it worked! We only did one coat, nothing showed through and the walls look great.

Originally, I wanted the room green. I had the color picked out..... Then, I had a quick change of heart and decided on blue to match the nursery theme. As I sit here and type, I am having second thoughts on the color I picked, and I'm pretty sure we are going to change it. Anyway, the room before was pink with artsy touches all around. There was a plastic fence screwed, anchored AND nailed to the wall. It was a nightmare! There were flowers, grass blades, and random bugs painted (or they were decals, not sure) all over the room. Perfect for a garden themed room minus the creepy looking bugs! It was a cute room, but had to go!

We weren't sure how Christian was going to react since the room became his playroom over the almost three years that we have been there. He walked in and said "Oooo, Ahhhh, Ooooo, Ahhhh!". I was pleasantly surprised. He said "It's blue..... pretty!". So, he seems to be okay with the change. We have tried to make all the changes small and subtle, but there was no getting around, clearing out his "Pit Room" and getting rid of the bigger toys (they are in the basement!) he doesn't really play with anymore. He seems to be taking this change well, and even refers to the room as ??????'s room. 

I hope he continues to get ready for his new playmate and embraces the role of Big Brother!