Monday, February 28, 2011

60° and ☀

We have been lucky enough this month to have some warm days! Yesterday was one of those days and boy did we take advantage of it. We met Mom Mom and Pop Pop at the Duck pond with Christian for the "exchange" (he had a sleepover at Mom Mom's).

My Mom brought a big bag of bread for the ducks to eat and he played on the swings. Christian seemed to like the bread as well (even though it was stale!). The ducks, geese, and seagulls were out in full force and they were HUNGRY!!!

Afterwards, we rode bikes at the track and played basketball. I got to sit down and watch (my hips were and are killing me!) well, I took pictures :)

It's going to be warm again today, but of course, the rain is threatening again. Anyone hear that storm last night?! Whew.... Apparently I was the only one in the house that woke up! The boys slept right thru it.... well, until I woke Chris up to hear the thunder (as if he had never heard it before haha).

It is safe to say that Spring is well on its way!