Friday, January 14, 2011

It's a crying shame!

Children, especially 2 year olds (in my experience), always want to do what they want! They get that first taste of freedom, that first taste of "I can do this...." - This feels like the beginning of the end and you feel as though the "Battle" has begun, but from what I hear, it gets better....(I'll let ya know when that happens).

Christian is one of the most independent two year olds I have ever met..... I know I am bias, but for example:

I place his morning bottle on the counter and as I am putting the milk away, he has already pushed a chair to the counter, climbed up, placed his bottle IN THE MICROWAVE and hit the "minute button" - all I could do was laugh.

Anyway.... Nowadays, it is really rare that I have something I can hold on to, that works in my advantage that will get him to do the what I want or listen.... and that one shred that I have left fake cry!! Yes, yes... the guilt game starts.

Now I strictly use this in emergency situations (ok and the occasional hug/kiss...). He was recently put on antibiotics for the plague that has swept through our family and has been recycled two times over. He didn't want to take his medicine, but he needed it, so I had no choice....As he was loudly protesting and backing up saying "No Mommy", I slumped to my knees and broke down in crocodile tears. He instantly stopped screaming, walked over with his mouth open and took his medicine. He then patted my shoulder and said "Don't cry Mommy." I wrapped up my act with a few sniffles and smiled up at him and told him how great he did.

Now believe it or not, the medicine bouts got better. And as we are approaching day 9 of the antibiotics, and I've only had to cry one other time. Be as it may - it works! :)