Sunday, August 8, 2010

"To Infinity and Beyond!"

Today, we celebrated Christian's 2nd Birthday!!! Although, he has had two birthday parties prior to this one, this was the big party! The theme of his party was Toy Story. He loves Woody, Buzz Lightyear and the rest of the gang. His favorite is Buzz Lightyear and Jessie. We had the party at our house - in the backyard. We got tables and chairs for everyone, and set-up his water slide. The trampoline and swing set was well used too!

Everyone got there around 2pm, and the kids were ready to get going. They all were quiet at first, but they warmed up, and started running around. They were having a ball on the slide, and the little ones splashed in the baby pool. We had the water and sand table set-up too.

After about an hour or two of playing, we gathered everyone up to sing "Happy Birthday" and cut cake (I forgot ice cream, but I don't think anyone noticed). As everyone ate cake, Christian started to open his presents - he had quite a pile. All his gifts were great, and he was excited seeing them all. He wasn't sure what to go for first. Of course, every present he opened, he wanted to play with - so, present time kind of took a little while, but hey.... He's 2!! :)

When presents were done, some people got ready to leave, while others stuck around and the kids played. It was great. I didn't want the day to end. We were all having fun just sitting around talking, and the kids (somehow!) still had energy to run around.

Thank you again to everyone who helped us celebrate Christian's birthday. You really made the day that much more special. We have the best family and friends, and we could not be more thankful for you. It was "To infinity and Beyond!" (Sorry I couldn't resist haha!) We love you! xoxo