Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Christian had one last celebration for his birthday. I know I know..... but we are just a party kind of group. Some friends of Christian's, couldn't make it to his first party at Puddi's so they came over this week to play and give him a present.

Caleb and Toby are the cutest boys! Christian thinks the world of them - he talks about them alot. Last night, all he could talk about was Toby and Caleb. They had lunch, they played, and the splashed in the pool. They even played with the bean bag board.

Toby and Caleb (Thanks Ms. Bea!) got Christian a Toy Story pop-up tent and puzzles. It was so sweet of them to think of Christian. From the looks of it, they had a great time in the tent, and when we got home, we played with his new puzzles!