Monday, July 12, 2010

"We are family....Get up Everybody and Sing!"

This passed weekend, we had a Freeman Family Reunion. It was held at Cascade Lake in Hampstead, Maryland, and if I must say.... it was one helluva time!!!

Everyone came from all around. From everywhere between Crisfield, Maryland and Hanover, Pennsylvania. The day started out rainy and quite windy (figures, since we had nothing by sweltering hot, sunny days before), and thank the Lord, got better throughout the day. First we had lunch, Burgers and Dogs... and of course, good sides and sweet treats.

Let's face it... Someone always forgets something. Sometimes things that are essential, so what do you do? You adapt and overcome!!

  The rain stopped alittle after lunchtime, so it was time to swim!!! Everyone got their bathing suits on and headed on down to the Lake....Even our Family Patriarch, headed on in for some fun in the water....and on the slide!!! As Pop went down, I think everyone held their breath.... as he hit the water... a collective sigh fell over us all.... Until of course, Aunt Shelley, had to go in and fish him out....
As the day rolled on, the fun continued. We all were bound for the "high dive". There was a "low dive" and a "high dive", and if the swim to the platform didn't kill you, the fear of standing up on the "high dive" certainly would. The "low dive" was about 13ft. out of the water, the "high dive" was approximately 22ft. out of the water. Once you got over the crippling fear and actually jumped off the platform, it was alot of fun. I, personally, was more scared the second time around, and took the climb of shame down the ladder, after I stood up there for 4 minutes, and unable to muster the courage to jump, as my Cousins, Aunts, and Uncles "booed" below... Although, I must say, I didn't see some of their butts up there.... Many jumps were produced that day... Some graceful....
Some...not so much.
The water slide was a big hit with everyone as well. We all made our way down that once or twice... But, we can not forget about all the other fun things we had to do. We had a paddleboat for the day, which was used just as much as the lake. The work out on your legs was well worth the struggle. I took out my two little cousins, Makayla and Makayla Rain. There were so cute, and loved the ride, but their little legs weren't long enough to help me paddle.... So off we went.... It was fun. Makayla Rain wanted me to go slower, Makayla wanted me to go faster....  I just wanted to rest!!! And of course, with Paddleboats came stylish orange lifejackets....
And last but, definately not least, was the Waterpark!!!! The kids LOVED it!!! Although, the sun wasn't out, the water was warm. It was great for all the kids to run and splash with each other.... It was the cutest little park.

And what is a Family get together without a celebration? Not only were we celebrating our family, but there was one thing left to celebrate....Erica, my cousin, received her AA degree. Uncle Jeff and Aunt Viv had hidden it from her when it came in the mail, and surprised her with an annoucement and a cake. CONGRATS ERICA!!!

Toward the end of the day, people slowly starting coming back to the pavilion. Changing into clothes, getting the little ones dried and dressed, and of course.... pictures had to be taken. But, before we did that... All the little ones found one more event they wanted to participate in.... Rolling down the giant hill....

After all the kids, and some adults, were down rolling down the hill, it was Family Picture time... Never to be formal, we decided that everyone should sit in the form of an "F"... "F" could stand for some many things, but today, it stood for "Freeman Family Fun"

Organizing such a photo, is never easy...

But, in the end, much like the day, it turned out perfect. It was a day filled with laughter, memories, great food and LOTS and LOTS of fun. The bringing together of old and young, from near and far.

 Everyone had a great time, and bringing everyone together, reminds us that Family is just as important as air and water. No matter what happens, we will always be Family. Through the good and bad times, through the fights and the laughs, we will all be forever bonded by our family. And if it takes a Reunion, to show that, then cheers to Reunions!!!
The evening of the Family Reunion, we decided to take my cousins, from out of town, downtown to show them the "sights" :) The two pictures below are from the beginning and the end. In between, was just alot of dancing and beverage tasting, why bore you with those pictures? :)