Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Lock the car, Mommy!"
The day after the family reunion, we went to the Buc's club for a summer picnic. It was brutally hot, but the food was great, and Christian loved playing by the water. He watched the older kids catch Crayfish/Craw Daddies; he was in awe watching them swim in the bucket! He really wanted to get into the water and help, but he had to settle for watching with Daddy from the bank.

After he was done eating, he wandered around the outside pavilion. He loved the Suit of Armor that was on the stage, and I couldn't pull him away from the "Money Wheel".

It's so weird being in a place "After Hours" per se. When we went to the crab feast, everything was hopping - the jukebox was playing,  the sounds of the Money Wheel echoed throughout the hall, you could hear the clanking of the pots in the kitchen, but now, it just seemed like a ghost town.