Thursday, April 7, 2011

"I pee peed Mommy - It's sticker time!!!"

Thankfully, we hear this about 6 times per evening. I must admit, the whole sticker system is getting a bit much - he uses the potty so much, I get tired getting up and down every time he goes! But, hey, it's for the greater good.

We decided we were going to let Christian control his own Potty Training. We would offer, if he turned us down, we would oblige and move on. No pressure, No tactics, No tricks. When he was ready, we would be ready!

 It's as if one day he decided "I'm going to use the potty today!". He was quietly playing and he turned to me and said "I have to pee pee" and I said "Want to use the potty?" and to my surprise, he grinned and said "Yeah!" and ran into the bathroom. As best as I could keep up, I followed him, dodging matchbox cars and army men. I quickly got his pants down and took his diaper off. He turned to me and said "Mommy walk out", as a wave of disappointment rushed over me, and quickly walked out so he wouldn't loose "the moment", as I stood by the door, I waited....and waited....(perhaps the pressure was beginning to build on him), but then suddenly I heard it! At that moment, I rushed in with cheers of encouragement (perhaps to prematurely because I scared the heck out of him - he jumped and turned around and got the shower curtain and rug wet as he wasn't able to just "turn it off".) I was so proud of him. It was the first time he used the potty. This was a BIG day!!!

A few days later, we made a Potty Chart. The first potty chart, I only made 7 spaces. I didn't want to get ahead of myself and I didn't want him to become overwhelmed. Well, silly me, the chart was filled in two days! And he even went #2 on the 5th time.

When he is done, he begins to sing "It's sticker time, sticker time, It's sticker tiiiiiime!". Every time he goes, he gets stickers for the things he is suppose to do.  For some reason, kids really dig stickers, and I definitely jumped on the sticker band wagon.

He is growing so fast and learns so quickly. He is doing great and the stickers are absolutely working!!!