Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dinosaurs, Planes and Fish, Oh My!!

Christian and Ashley

Washington, here we come!!! Christian wanted to see Nemo and Dory so we took him to the only place we knew they lived..... The aquarium!! We decided to take him to Washington, D.C. because he also wanted to see Dinosaurs... That's the only place where they all lived together!! We had some fun company as well. We met Aunt Nik, Shannon and Ashley at the Metro station and took it into the Mall. We all had a great time (minus all the walking, and cold wind). Christian loved Ashley too, he said "She preeeetty." 

Christian got to see Nemo and Dory and a lot of other sea creatures. He was terrified of the Horned Eel, but couldn't keep his eyes off of him. He didn't want to get too close to the window, but he insisted on looking at him. He also loved the "Jellies". Ya know, if it wasn't for the movie "Finding Nemo", he probably wouldn't know all the fish, but he does!! Who said movies aren't educational?

 Explorers at Work!

After the aquarium, we headed to the Museum of Natural History, where we saw the dinosaurs! I think he was a little overwhelmed at their size. He was a little scared of the Triceratops but laughed at the T-Rex... silly boy! (I got to see the Hope Diamond.... my favorite!!) They had a discovery room with all kinds of different stations the kids could explore. They looked at Fossil teeth, human bones (a fake skelaton), minerals and rocks, etc. When we walked into the Museum of Natural History, the big elephant is in the lobby, so when we walked in, he said "It's Eddie!!" (He LOVES, I mean, L-O-V-E-S Maisy books. He can't get enough of them!!) I love how he puts the two together and gives things names. He just pulls it from whatever book or movie he has seen and puts the two together - I just love that. It makes me laugh :)

Up next was the Air and Space Museum (and about 1/2 mile away, may I add!). They both loved all the planes and rockets! Again, I think the size of it all overwhelmed him. His toys aren't that big :) He was a little hesitant to go into the airplane, but we walked in with him and he really liked it. Ashley really like the exhibit of Amelia Earhart!

Christian and Ashley with Amelia Earhart

The train was fun too! He wasn't too keen on the tunnel because he couldn't see out and told me so :)

He surprisingly stayed up the entire day, even the ride home. We had such a busy day - he talked about on the whole way home, holding his souvenir Nemo, in which he of course named..... Marlin (Nemo's dad, cause "His fin is ok" he said). Chris and I were ready to crash, but he was roaring to go :)