Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Goodnight, Sleep tight!

On Sunday we converted Christian's crib into a "Toddler Bed". I was very VERY nervous about how this was going to go, but onward we went!

His normal routine is - at about 8:00pm, he gets a warm bottle (I know, I know he is too old for a bottle, but baby steps!), and lays on the couch. He watches TV, until he falls asleep. So, on Sunday, I explained to him that tonight we were going to drink his bottle in his bed - well that was all she wrote. He started kicking and screaming. His lips turned blue and he was holding his breath, while holding onto the couch cushion for dear life. I was about to give up, but then, I told myself that I had to be persistent. I stood him up and calmy explained to him that this is something we are going to try to go give Daddy a kiss goodnight and we will walk into his bedroom together like a big boy. He ran to Chris - Chris picked him up. He looked over Chris' shoulder, put his hand out and said "Mommy, get out!"

So, I left his room and sat outside his door, my heart sinking to my feet, as I heard him whimpering. Chris was absolutey amazing. He had him calmed down in a matter of minutes. He told Chris he didn't want his bottle, and went right to sleep. I was amazed and so proud, but felt like the bad guy!

At about 1:30am, I found him the living room, playing. I got him back into bed, and got him back to sleep. He slept the rest of the night.

Night Two went a bit smoother but not much. He ran for the couch for his normal routine. Once again, I had to explain to him that he was to have his bottle in his bed. He threw a fit again and ran right for Chris. Chris, once again, became the Hero. While Chris was putting him down, I put a baby gate 1/2 down the hall, so the only option he had was to run into our room. He went to sleep in about 10 minutes. I was floored. He got up twice that night, but went back to sleep with no problem.

Last night, he walked right into his room. No problem and No bottle. He went right to sleep. And get this.... HE SLEPT ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!!!! He got up at 6:00am and was in a great mood.

Through all of this, I taught myself that being persistent DOES pay off and I couldn't be more proud of myself, if I must toot my own horn! I know he will have good nights and he will have bad nights but, this is going a lot better tan I thought it would!