Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Happy Birthday to you!!!


I can't believe my baby boy has turned 2. As cliche as it sounds, it really feels like I just had him. In his two years here, he has brought more joy and laughter into our lives then we have ever experienced. He is a blonde haired, blue eyed angel that just lights up our lives every second of the day. He is so smart, and such a gentle soul; he is an old soul. When I talk to him, I feel like I am talking to a much older child, rather than a two year old. Sometimes, I truly forget he is as young as he is. We carry  full conversations and he comprehens everything we say. He is just so smart; I am completely in awe of him.

To celebrate his birthday, we had dinner, presents and of course cake and ice cream. He got some really neat gifts, and waaaaaaay to much sugar!!! After everything was done, we took him out to play with his bubble machine and light off some fireworks to complete the occasion (carroll county style). We hosed him down (not really) then gave him his nightcap :) And off to la-la-land, my little man went. Such a perfect birthday. We truly have been blessed with one of God's greatest gifts.

Happy Birthday Dooda!!! Mommy and Daddy are so proud to be yours. We love you.