Friday, August 20, 2010

Christian's 2 year Wellness Appointment

Christian had his 2 year old wellness appointment yesterday! He was really excited to see Doctor Nancy, until Mary came and got him. As soon as that door open, he was like a cat going into water - I knew it was only a matter a time before he started to cry.

Everything went slowly because we had to calm him down everytime Ms. Mary got near him. It took us 13 minutes to get his height. Poor little guy was terrified. Everything was great with him though. He is growing perfect and only got one shot.

He is 35 1/2 inches (75%), and he weight 26.1 lbs. (30%). He is tall and slim like his Grandfather, but Dr. Nancy said he is growing great! He is not overweight or underweight. He is perfect! (Like I didn't know that already!). As you can imagine, his shot did not go over well, but it got done. (It's amazing how strong a 2 year old is). He is done with shots until he is 5 years old.... Praise the Lord!

Next stop? The dentist (fun fun!). I can't even begin to imagine how the dentist is going to go - I am not sure I have the energy!

The fun continues in 6 months :)

Our 2 year old!!!