Thursday, August 12, 2010

The building of a "Chopper"

Christian got a "Harley Davidson Power Wheels" (Thanks Aunt Viv and Uncle Jeff!) for his birthday last week and last night we put it together. I have been plagued with Poison Ivy (I have probably already mentioned this, but it feels good to complain) and out of commission when it comes to handling Christian or his toys. Chris had class this week, so yesterday evening was our first free night.

Daddy said "Go grab any toy you want and we will play".... I heard this "swooosh....swoosh...." on the hardwood floor, and I looked over and Christian was pulling out his power wheel from his playroom. I started to chuckling, and Chris' eyes lit up. He wanted to play with it too. Chris got his tools and started putting it together - well Christian wanted to help, so he grabbed Chris' hammer.... We quickly got the hammer back, and got Christian's tools.

He helped Daddy "screw" in the handlebars and the seat. He even helped "hammer" the lugnuts on, thanks to his handy toolbox.
He was so happy to get it put together, he could hardly wait for last minute adjustments. We had to put the stickers on AFTER he went to bed :)

He loved it! For the next hour (waaaay past bedtime, but he was too excited to disappoint, plus it was a photo op with the leather jacket Mom Mom got him), he rode through the house, pushing all the buttons on the handlebars. He rode by us in the living room, stopped and looked at Chris and said "This is Christian's motorcycle" lol

This morning when I got him up, he went right into his playroom and hopped on his motorcycle. He looked at me and said "I ride to Puddi's". It was so cute!