Sunday, June 6, 2010

Relay for Life - Taneytown, Maryland

On Saturday, June 5, 2010, I took Christian to his first (and maybe his last, haha) 5K walk. It was sponsored by Relay for Life. It is a benefit walk for the American Cancer Society. We went with our Westminster Weight Watchers group. Aunt Lain joined us as well. It was an awfully hot day mixed with humidity and misty rain. Christian did well. He got tired of sitting in the stroller, (which I can't blame him) so we had to cut our walk short. We only walked 3 miles, but hey, it's 3 miles!! A 5K is only 3.1 miles.

The opening ceremony was emotional, but Christian was more interested in the man made creek in the front of the facility, so he didn't realize some of the sadness around. We let balloons go, white and purple, and watched the Survivors and Caregivers take the first lap. It was a bittersweet day for all. I'm looking forward to doing another 5K and participating in the Relay for Life events.