Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Christian's First x-ray

Christian had a clumsy weekend!! He stepped into a hole in the yard and twisted his foot. After that he stubbed his toe... repeatedly. He had been limping since Sunday so we took him to Dr. Nancy. After, waiting in the waiting for 45 minutes, we got alittle irritated and just took him to UrgentCare to get xrays done.

When we got there, the ladies behind the counter were really nice. The facility was also really clean. We only waited about 10 minutes, then they took us back. They took his vitals and weight - 26.5 pounds now!! - and told us to wait for the doctor. The doctor came in and looked at his foot. He did a parital exam and started to rub his foot. Testing to see if Christian would follow his lead, he asked if his ankle hurt. Christian said "No, hurt", and pointed to his big toe. He knew where the pain was, and knew how to tell the doctor, which was exciting (because he actually understood) and sad (because he was in pain!). He wanted to get an x-ray to be sure, so we told Christian we were going to take a picture of his foot and he got excited and giggled. So into the xray room we went.........well that is where things started to go downhill. To say the least, it did not go well. We could only get one xray - which was tramatic enough - so the Doc only had one view to go on. The final diagnosis, was "no visable breaks or fractures". If so, the doctor said they were so tiny, it wouldn't hurt him to walk on it.

We have to follow up with Dr. Nancy in two days; but we probably won't. His limp is getting lesser by the day. I think he was more upset emotionally then physically.

We have decided, no more x-rays unless they are completely, utterly needed!!!